ICSID arbitration tribunal of AVZ vs DRC
The Democratic Republic of Corruption.
ICSID tribunal

Soon, the ICSID tribunal is set to rule on AVZ’s 75% ownership claim.

This decision will determine who controls the world's largest lithium deposit.

AVZ only seeks to restore its rightful stake in the Manono Lithium Project.

On March 15, 2025 at the ICC in Paris, AVZ Minerals Limited won a huge legal

victory against the DRC's La Congolaise d'Exploitation Minière (Cominière).

The partial penalty to be enforced amounts to €39.125 million plus interest.

$150 million worth of development by AVZ was illegally seized by Cominière.

This corruption is well documented by the General Inspectorate of Finance.

Cominière, for a $6 million bribe, gifted the project to the Chinese miners.

21,000 AVZ investors had their wealth stolen, lives ruined, hopes squashed.

Some shareholders have even died whilst waiting for justice in the courts.

Meanwhile, Cominière & Zijin thumb their nose at ICC court orders to desist.

The people of the DRC should be thriving but their future has been raped.

Manono's riches fund not roads, schools or hospitals but vacations for Elites.

The world sits silent as Manono is looted, and the Congolese stay in poverty.

AVZ is still fighting in international courts — and they’re winning every case.

The truth is out and the time is up for the corrupt politicians of the DRC.

A blistering sunrise is about to shed light on it all. And it won’t be pretty.